Monday, 17 November 2014

Threats in a Marriage

 No marriage is a perfect, and just like every situation we are faced with in our lives, there are things that can prove to be either an opportunity or a threat to married couples. Whilst a marriage may be a sacred institution blessed by God, for it to be successful it is integral both husband and wife be able to counteract the major threats to a marriage. Following below are ten major threats to a marriage which can destroy this beautiful bond.

1) Difference in Values

As individuals, our values are different due to our upbringings. Instilled and rooted within us are the values thought to us from our parents. In marriages, no couple would have the exact same values, however they may have common values which can prove to be a deal breaker. However for those marriages and couples whose values differ considerably, this can prove to create obstacles. Difference in values can lead to arguments and differences in expectations. Not only can this prove to create conflict but it can result in two people drifting away from each other as they realize their goals and dreams are different. It is important to note, that in a marriage one shall not demand the other party to change. Instead couples can seek marriage counseling and learn to talk to their partners and come to a mutual understanding. Communication is most important.

2) Financial Problems


Can financial problems prove to negatively affect a marriage? Can it drive two people apart? Well i believe couples facing extended financial downturns can drift apart from each other. You are probably wondering how can this possibly happen and thinking to yourself couples facing financial problems should be able to come together to fix their problems. But believe it or not, there are couples who have gotten divorced due to extreme cases of financial issues. Not only can financial problems result in high levels of stress but it can create differences amongst married couples. Difference in spending and savings can prove to create conflict amongst couples. And as mentioned in many occasions couples who constantly fight eventually become distant from each other.

3) Religion

Believe it or not, religion on the whole have proven to be a major threat to marriages. However it is important to note, one's religion should not be the cause for a marriage to break up or face problems. But in the society we live in, people make religion into a huge issue. Not only does it create obstacles in marriages but it also prevents two people from getting married. This issue is highly prevalent in the eastern part of the world. One's religion should not be an issue when it comes to marriages.There is one God, we just have our differing ways of praying to him.

4) Greed for Money

There are people in this world, who get married for the sole purpose of acquiring wealth, property and status. And if their partner is unable to fulfill this wish or desire of theirs, they leave. Just like that they file for divorce and leave their spouse. Money is a necessity in our lives but it doesn't make you happy. It may give you all the material things you desire but it cannot build a relationship. Just remember when we die rich or poor our graves will be the same.

5) Cultural Patterns

Differing cultures, different way of doing things can eventually affect a relationship. Differing cultural patterns can eventually lead to disagreements and conflict amongst married couples. Some people usually try to do things the way they were thought or how their parents usually do it. Couples should try to come to a mutual understanding and develop new way of doing things that would please them both.

6) Dwelling in the Past

Dwelling in the past can get you no where. It may remind you of things that happened and things that may have hurt you. But if you are constantly reflecting on the past and not letting go of hurt experiences, it can negatively affect your present and your future. Fear of getting hurt again will eventually distant you from your spouse both emotionally and physically. Dwelling in the past is unhealthy for a marriage.

7) Extramarital Affairs

One spouse's urge to escape from reality and seek fulfillment from another person other than their wife or husband can eventually destroy a marriage. However it is understandable people make mistakes and if you want your marriage to work, learn to forgive your spouse and try to keep them happy so they wouldn't have the need to look for love on the outside. But if it continues to happen, well the best thing to do is leave, no one deserves to be constantly cheated on.


Selfishness is yet another threat that can severely hamper one's relationship. We are all selfish in our own ways, but too much of it can destroy your marriage. Selfishness can come in many destructive forms which includes control, manipulation ,jealously, possessiveness, demand and abuse in order to get their own way. It robs a marriage of its romance, happiness and love. Just remember a marriage takes two and it is important couples learn to accept each other. For a marriage to work, there is no room for Selfishness.

9) In Laws


We have all heard stories of one in laws can negatively affect a marriage. I'm sure some of you have also experienced instances where your spouse's family members have created obstacles in your married life. The impact one in laws have on a marriage is as strong as the couple allow it to be. For a marriage to be healthy one has to be able to draw boundaries between themselves and their in laws. Also if something makes you uncomfortable, be sure to speak to your spouse about it. In laws are important when it comes to building a family however try to keep your in laws at a arm's length. Don't discuss your marriage with them and don't allow them to come between you and your spouse.

10) Destructive Habits

Destructive habits and addiction can create obstacles in your marriage. Lying to your spouse, keeping secrets from them, deceiving them and doing things that can hurt them will be the cause for your relationship to fail. Destructive habits such as drinking, gambling and smoking can also affect your relationship in many ways. Seek help if you realize you have a problem that can ruin your married life.


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