Tuesday 21 October 2014

Why is having a smaller wedding ideal?

Smaller Weddings Are More Magical and Meaningful

Dream Wedding

I can't speak for the men out there, but as a woman i can relate. As little girls growing up we would dream about our wedding days. In the back of our minds, we already know what kind of cake we want, what type of dress we may wear, the type of ring we desire, the color decorations we plan on using etc. We envision our wedding day to be like a scene out of a fairy tale, where we would be dressed up like princesses and our prince will come take us away. We picture this day to be magical and splendid, with the finest of food and drinks and best musicians. But as reality hits us, we realize having the dream wedding doesn't necessarily mean having the biggest wedding of all times. It simply means being able to unite with the love of your life no matter how big or small the wedding is. Following are a few simple reasons why i believe smaller wedding is ideal.  

Reasons for a Smaller Wedding

 1) Guest List- Your Guest List would just compromise of the people who actually mean something to you and not a bunch of people you don't know. Your family and close friends are just the people you want to celebrate with as you take this step forward. Trust me know one wants to celebrate with people who are there to "maco" and enjoy the free food and drinks.

 2) Budget - Weddings nowadays costs such a fortune and by having a smaller wedding you can save a great amount of money. This can be set aside to start your life together by putting it into a savings, towards your honeymoon, future kids, house etc. So think about it folks, do you really want to spend a load of money that can be used for something valuable in the future.

3) Saves Time- Having a smaller wedding is economical and saves a lot of time. It's actually less stress as things would get done at a faster rate as compared to a larger wedding.

4) Less Compromise- Having a large wedding is any girl's dream but think about it, if you have a smaller wedding you would not have to compromise on the things your heart truly desires. For example instead of settling for a two layer cake because you have to cut back in cost to facilitate more guests, you would be able to have the cake of your dreams. Instead of settling for "channa and aloo" you can serve exquisite gourmet food for the people that actually matters. Basically what I am trying to say is you would be able to have all the things you want by having a smaller wedding.

5) Photos- I have seen instances where couples who have had lavish and huge weddings go through their wedding albums and see pictures of people they don't even know. Wife, "Darling, do you know who this lady is?", Husband "No Honey, I thought she was from your side". Having a smaller wedding is ideal, as the photographer would be able to capture the moments of those that actually matter.  

 Just remember your big day is not about showing off who can have the best wedding, or the best cake. It's not about wearing the most expensive dress or having the most expensive caterer. It's about celebrating your special day with the people you love and care about.


  1. Agreed. However a smaller wedding affords you the opportunity to have a dream Honeymoon some where in Italy, Indian Ocean (Maldives, Kandy, Sri Lanka - Hill Country), Greece just to name a few. A place where both you and your husband would always remember.

  2. Smaller wedding equals less stress, more fun and great memories for you and yours.

  3. Good read. I believe that it is ultimately about the couple and those who are closest to them. A small, intimate wedding achieves this goal.

  4. I feel like i wrote this! I so agree 100% . I have always said the honeymoon destination is my expense. Saucy said so
