Thursday, 13 November 2014

The Power of A "Horn"

Well well well, here is an interesting topic "the power of a horn". And folks you all know i am not talking about the regular car horn we use on a daily basis. I'm talking about the kind of horn you give when you are being unfaithful to your spouse or partner. 

Why do people cheat or horn? There are many reasons behind why this infidelity takes place.
It can be out of greed, selfishness, hurt, spite, differences etc, people horn for many reasons.
It can be a one time mistake that was made out of poor judgement or something that one does on a regular basis and not give a care about their partners. 

But the day will come when they would care, that day would be when their loved one walks out their life forever. There will come a day when its too late and impossible for the one they love to forgive them. There will come a day when the poor judgement or greed for other women and men will shatter their relationships so badly it would be impossible to put the pieces back together. 

But lets really pause for a moment and think, think about why this really takes place. What possible reason can push a person to cheat on their loved ones? And the answer my friends lies within your relationship. There is something in your relationship that may have happened or is happening that would result in this act. The number one reasons why people cheat are linked to unhappiness, lack of sex and lack of emotional intimacy wit their partners. However this doesn't give them the right to be unfaithful. No matter how unhappy or stressed one is in a relationship, the first and foremost thing to do is to talk to their partners about their problems and try to work it out. If one resolves to cheating it can mash up the sacred bond you share and eliminate the chances of you working out that relationship. 

But just remember if you could give horn, I hope you could take it.


  1. True to a point but sometimes the cheating party willfully likes horning because of the rush it gives them, its makes them feel superiority over there genuine partner and everyone else they think are below them.(Narcissism) to the cheating partner they sometimes know exactly what they are doing, they don't care that they are breaking up a another person family, they dont care that they are just playing games with genuine people,sometimes its just an act for the public eye that hey I am married and have the best life when behind closed doors its infedility that gives them their rush of satisfaction.Yet when they are caught and the cat is let out the bag they then turn the story to make the innocent look guilty and it happens, they play that its not their fault, they didn't know what they were doing. But as people we believe in Karma and what goes around comes around...

  2. Karma is a bitch lets leave it up to her!
    Communication or lack of it iny oppinion is the number one reason
    You will get a 'horn'. Keeping feelinggs inside.....bad idea

  3. Cheating should not be encouraged, but with all the recent TV shows, it seems like a something normal to people who don't know better..
